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Stone, stone powder

Author:admin Date:2010年11月06日 Source:本站原创 Views:

Core tips:Stone has the following specifications :1-2MM 3-5MM 5-8MM 1-2CM 3-5CM specifications can also be made of powder generally powder 200 mesh 325 mesh 100 mesh 400 mesh 600 mesh and so on

The drug is a natural stone ore, necessary for the human body contains potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc major elements, iron, selenium, copper, strontium, iodine, fluorine, silicic acid and other trace eighteen element. Trace elements in human body weight of about 0.025%, although its content is minimal, but it is in the process of human life play an important role, they are inadequate or excessive content of the body can affect health and even life-threatening. Therefore the body must continually add trace elements through a variety of ways to meet human growth, development and maintenance of normal metabolism and needs.


stoneStone has the following specifications :1-2MM 3-5MM 5-8MM 1-2CM 3-5CM specifications can also be made of powder generally powder 200 mesh 325 mesh 100 mesh 400 mesh 600 mesh and so on.


Product specifications are stone powder :80-100-120 mesh 100 mesh, 120 mesh, 150 mesh, 180 mesh, 200 mesh, 325 mesh, 400 mesh, 500 mesh, 800 mesh, 1000 mesh, 1250 mesh, 2000 mesh.

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Contact: Manager Liu Mobile:86-13400211588/86-13903119840 Hotline:86-0311-88708888 Fax:86-0311-88709840
Zip Code:050041 Company Address:Yuhua District In Shijiazhuang No.68 Road side (b plant North)