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Medical stone

medical stone feed

Author:Sophia Date:2011年06月24日 Source:本站原创 Views:

Core tips:  Effectiveness of medical stone feed can make livestock more robust. Through the analysis  and decomposition  of medical stone powder found that it is made up by the more than 25,000 kinds of composit.

  Effectiveness of medical stone feed can make livestock more robust. Through the analysis  and decomposition of medical stone powder found that it is made up by the more than 25,000 kinds of composition. The role of medical stone have a good taste, can increase milk production, prevent feeding disorders, reduce fecal odor, and (make sure) help livestock robust.

  Medical stone feed on livestock's role:
 1, to improve the PH of body and blood, improve bowel function, improve feed quality standards.
 2, the prevention of diarrhea and flatulence.
 3, to improve milk production and milk quality.
 4, to eat better after adding stone animals.
 5, to improve meat quality.
 6, to prevent excessive acidity or poor quality milk.
 7, the intestines can absorb the smell of stone, to eliminate the stench of excrement. This will reduce the number of flies, good for animal health.


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