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Mica mineral composition and mineral characteristics

Author:admin Date:2010年10月18日 Source:internet Views:

Core tips:Mica is aluminum silicate mineral, with continuous layered silicate structure. Divided into three subgroups: muscovite, biotite and lepidolite. Muscovite and muscovite including subspecies (sericite) and rare paragonite; including phlogopite, biotite, biotite, iron and manganese biotite biotite; lithium mica is rich in a variety of lithium oxide in the small mica scales.

1, the mineral composition of ore

Muscovite pegmatite main ore minerals are microcline, feldspar, quartz and muscovite, etc., minor minerals biotite, almandine, tourmaline, apatite, beryl, and ilmenite, etc. .

Phlogopite veins often deposit apatite, tremolite, diopside, calcite, carbonate rocks and minerals microcline.

Chopped fine muscovite mica deposits in general account for 50 to 70%, 10% potassium feldspar and quartz around, trace minerals are magnetite and limonite.

2, mica minerals Minerals

Mica is aluminum silicate mineral, with continuous layered silicate structure. Divided into three subgroups: muscovite, biotite and lepidolite. Muscovite and muscovite including subspecies (sericite) and rare paragonite; including phlogopite, biotite, biotite, iron and manganese biotite biotite; lithium mica is rich in a variety of lithium oxide in the small mica scales. Industry in particular is commonly used in electrical industry muscovite and phlogopite.

Chemical formula of muscovite is KAl2 〔〕 〔OH〕 2 AlSi3O10 which SiO2 45.2%, Al2O3 38.5%, K2O 11.8%, H2O 4.5%, also containing a small amount of Na, Ca, Mg, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, and F and so on.

Phlogopite the chemical formula KMg3 〔AlSi3O10〕 〔F, OH〕 2, which K2O 7 ~ 10.3%, MgO is 21.4 ~ 29.4%, Al2O3 is 10.8 ~ 17%, SiO2 is 38.7 ~ 45%, H2O 0.3 ~ 4.5% , containing a small amount of Fe, Ti, Mn, Na, and F and so on.

a, crystal, crystal. Mica mostly monoclinic, or books were stacked plate-like shape, with six for the development of a complete surface of the diamond or hexagonal crystals, sometimes the formation of pseudo hexagonal prismatic crystals.

b, cleavage, or the pressure of playing like the elephant. Mica has a perfect {001} cleavage, you can peel points. Strip theory can be divided into about 10 muscovite, phlogopite peelable into thin slices about 5 or 10. Insidious of crystal cleavage, that is to play as and press like.

c, color, gloss and transparency. Muscovite flakes generally colorless and transparent, but often stained green, brown, yellow and pink and other colors; glass, luster, cleavage appear before pearl luster. Phlogopite is usually yellow, brown, dark brown or black; glass luster, cleavage appear before or semi-metallic luster pearls. The transparency of muscovite 71.7 ~ 87.5%, phlogopite 0 ~ 25.2%.

d, hardness and elasticity. Muscovite Mohs hardness of 2 to 2.5, 2.78 ~ 2.85 phlogopite; muscovite elasticity (1475.9 ~ 2092.7 × 106Pa (15050 ~ 21340kg/cm2), phlogopite for (1394.5 ~ 1874.05) × 106Pa (14220 ~ 19110kg/cm2).

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