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Horticultural vermiculite

Author:Sophia Date:2010年10月18日 Source:本站原创 Views:

Core tips:Horticultural Vermiculite has two conventional specifications :1-3mm (nursery vermiculite) ,2-4mm (flowers with horticultural vermiculite), customers can also request the production of various models of horticultural vermiculite.

Horticultural vermiculiteHorticultural Vermiculite has two conventional specifications :1-3mm (nursery vermiculite) ,2-4mm (flowers with horticultural vermiculite), customers can also request the production of various models of horticultural vermiculite. Horticultural vermiculite is specially processed vermiculite, and its main role is to increase the soil (media) of the aeration and water retention. Because of their fragile, with the use of time, tends to lose the dense medium aeration and water retention, so thin coarse vermiculite to use than a long time, and the effect is good. Therefore, the horticultural vermiculite should be selected coarse vermiculite flakes, even planting a small seed sowing medium and as a cover, are to thick for good.

1. Horticultural vermiculite is heated at high temperature silicate materials formed by mica-like material. Their rapid loss of water in the heating process, and expansion, after expansion of the volume equivalent to 8-20 times the original volume. So that the substance increased the aeration porosity and water-holding capacity.

2. Horticultural vermiculite bulk density 130-180 kg / cubic meter, are neutral to alkaline (ph7-9). Vermiculite can absorb per cubic meter of 500-650 liters of water. Sterilized by steam to release the appropriate amount of potassium, calcium and magnesium.

3. As a horticultural vermiculite, and its main role is to increase the soil (media) of the aeration and water retention. Because of their fragile, with the use of time, tends to lose the dense medium aeration and water retention, so thin coarse vermiculite to use than a long time, and the effect is good. Therefore, the horticultural vermiculite should be selected coarse vermiculite flakes, even planting a small seed sowing medium and as a cover, are to thick for good.

4. Horticultural vermiculite and other purposes:

A. One of the main materials planting medium, with peat, perlite mix.

B. planting cover.

C. appropriate adjustments medium pH.

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